Sunday, January 29, 2012

Never Smile at a Crocodile

Wow!  I have been in Australia for just a little over 24 hours.  I already feel like I have so much to process, and update you all about.
The adventure started out as a whirlwind from the moment I checked in at the airport.  Despite being two and a half hours early due to flight delays it was already apparent I would not make my flight.  So instead of flying to San Fran I headed to Denver and then LA.   LA may truly be the world’s worst airport, but that rant is for another time. 
After a very frustrating experience at LAX I get to my gate, find out I have been upgraded to Premium Economy and am on a flight with the Scotland Rugby Team.   So I fly in my seat which has so much room I can stick my legs straight out in front of me, onto a fabulous foot pillow, and they will just continually give you wine.  Before taking off they played the safety video, which may just be worth the flight on Air New Zealand.  The video was set to a jazzercise class, and features members of the New Zealand rugby team (who knew so many people cared about rugby?)  and informs you that even the cool electronic devices have to be off during takeoff.
In New Zealand I was delayed over an hour because I Kiwi got onto the plane, and somehow hid itself in the Cockpit.   The good news is that the flight information board informed you to relax until 25 minutes before your flight, so I wasn’t at all stressed.  After switching a to a week old 777 I was finally headed on the last leg to Australia.   I got to skip the customs line, and don’t know why, and then met Greg and Pam, my ride. 
My Time in Australia this far has been such a whirlwind.  The people have been amazingly friendly and do all talk really funny. J In some ways I am struck more by the things that are the same, than those are different.  Although I cannot begin to tell you all the little things, here a few things I have noticed:
Australia has Targets, dominos, McDonalds, KFC and Shell Stations
Everyone eats with forks in there left hands
I don’t know if the toilets swirl backwards, because they don’t swirl!
Chicken is cheaper if you buy it cold.
The food is very simple, but amazingly tasty!
Driving on the wrong side of the car isn’t as tricky as you might think, but crossing the street is.
The weather is not nearly as warm as I expected, but I am totally comfortable in shorts and a tank top.
When I write next it will be all about Bundaberg and more about the people as well, but for now I must head to bed.  I will be waking up and taking Cameron to school.  He is the eldest child in the house where I am staying, and 100% adorable.  He is the most stereotypical Australia Child I could imagine, and he pretty much thinks I am the coolest thing ever. 
Aussie Term of the week:  Sitting out like a shag on a rock.  If you can guess what it means, with out googling it, you win a gold star!

1 comment:

  1. I love love love that you are living abroad! Take more pictures than you think are necessary especially of things that may soon feel ordinary. I'm so excited to follow your blog and your exciting new life!
