Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ruby Shoes and Where They Take You

There's no place like home....There's no place like home.

Words I think perhaps everyone in western culture knows. We say words like these all the time.  I'll be home for Christmas, Home is Where the Heart is, etc.  Everyone has a home, and that home helps us to stay grounded as we spread our wings and explore the world, whatever that path might look like.

Growing up in Spokane, many of my friends couldn't wait to get to the next step, away from Spokane, away from home. I was never one of those kids.  I was happy with Spokane, I love my friends, family and just about everything about it.

Aparently God had other plans for me.  First to Indiana for Valpo.  I recieved a wonderful education, despite my typo filled blog.  I met some amazing people, who I am thrilled to have in my life, and have so many memories I will cherish forever.  Throw in some summers at camp, full of friends family and unbelievable growth in my own personal faith.

Then, it was off to Tacoma. Tacoma was a hard place for me. On paper my job was perfect, and my congregation was full of wonderful and supportive people who I miss dearly some days. Despite this, I think that the first couple of years in ministry are difficult. Everything in Tacoma seemed like a battle.  Yet, I learned so much about myself, and I grew up a lot.  I made some great friends, had many important professional and personal milestones, and gained confidence that I could do what I put my mind to.

One day out of the blue, I applied for a job in Australia, one thing lead to another and now I am here. I have found so many adventures, friends who I feel like I have known forever, and a very special someone, who makes everything seem easier.  Everything isn't a battle here, and I feel a bit like I know what I am doing most days.  Here it's the small things that throw me off, the littlest thing might seem impossible, but it always gets done.

 As I dropped my Mom off at the airport the other day, I was sad to see her go, yet as I drove back to Bundy it felt like I was coming home.  I have had many homes over the years, and for me I think that at the end of the day, the people in your life make your home.  They don't have to be in the same house, they can be continents away, but they help you to stay grounded even as you fly, and the ruby slippers may just be a fabulous fashion statement.

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